Firebase Z

Black Ops Cold War
Last Updated: February 19, 2025
8 min read

Maxis Potential

The main quest for Firebase Z is called Maxis Potential. The Requiem Strike Force's goal in this quest is to rescue Samantha Maxis from the Dark Aether.


This main quest can be completed with any number of players but requires you to turn on all three Aether Reactors and obtain the RAI K-84.

We recommend getting the RAI K-84 from turning in Legendary Trials or the Mystery Box. This is because it is the quickiest method of obtaining the weapon, since the side quest to obtain it requires you to be on Round 15+, wasting a lot of rounds where you could be progressing the main quest.

Start WeaponField Upgrade

is recommended only for the boss fight to help you do maximum damage to the boss. If you want a safer approach we recommend taking instead. The Start Weapon only matters if you will be upgrading the weapon's rarity with salavge throughout the match.

Step 1: Extract the Truth

Head to the Atrium and interact with Ravenov to begin the main quest. Once all three Aether Reactors have been activated, interact with Ravenov again, head to Mission Control, and interact with Dr. Peck underneath the stairs. Afterward, interact with Ravenov again to receive his ID Badge.

Ravenov ID Badge
Ravenov ID Badge

Once you have the ID Badge, you must use it to open three lockers around the map and collect the serum inside each locker. The locations of the three lockers are:

Equipment Storage
Equipment Storage
Colonel's Office
Colonel's Office

Once you have all three serums, head to the Field Hospital where you can place the serums inside a Chemical Mixer spawning in some hellhounds. Wait for the device to finish, then interact with it twice to pick up the Agent Delivery System.

Agent Delivery System
Agent Delivery System

Once you have the Agent Delivery System, head to the OPC area above mission control and place the device on top of the Air Conditioner to disperse the truth serum into Dr. Peck's room allowing you to speak with him again to extract the truth.

Air Conditioner Unit
Air Conditioner Unit

Step 2: Gather the Memories

It is recommended to turn subtitles on for this step, as it can help you indentify if you have the right memories or not quicker. Otherwise, you'd have to wait for the dialouge to finish and then wait for Weaver's response to that dialouge.

Head to the Data Center interact with the Memory Transference Station to unlock it, then pick up one of the four Essence Traps to spawn in piles of fake loot around the map that you won't be able to interact with.

Essence Trap
Essence Trap

This step is much easier if you save a zombie or two allowing you to focus on the next part. The piles of loot can be anywhere on the map including the spawn area, so make sure to check every room. The most common locations however are the Military Command, Peck's Quarters, and Motor Pool areas of the map.

You must walk near these piles of loot until a mimic spawns out of one of them, damage the mimic until it is near death, then throw the Essence Trap onto the ground, wait for the mimic to get near it, then activate the trap to hopefully capture the mimic. If successful, the trap will glow purple.

Successful Essence Capture
Successful Essence Capture

I say hopefully because this step works exactly like a pokeball if you have ever played/watched pokemon. The lower the health of the enemy the higher chance for it to be captured, but it is never guaranteed (no masterballs for this step unfortunately).

Once you have successfully captured a mimic, return it to the Memory Transference Station inside the Data Center to extract its memories triggering some dialogue. Once you have successfully extracted a correct memory you must end the round and repeat this two more times. This can only be done once per round, so be sure to always end the round once you have successfully extracted a memory.

Correct Memory Gathered (Brahm, Sokolov, and Zhabin)
Correct Memory Gathered (Brahm, Sokolov, and Zhabin)

If you accidentally killed a mimic while trying to get it to low health, you'll need to end the current round to try again. If you captured the correct mimic, the dialogue should be from either Sokolov, Brahm, or Zhabin, if your subtitles don't show any of these names when the dialogue is playing you captured the wrong mimic.

Step 3: Create the Breach

Once all three correct memories have been collected, grab the Floppy Disk from the Memory Transference Station and insert it into the Quantum Main Frame located in the Planning Offices opening the door to the OPC.

Floopy Disk
Floopy Disk
Quantum Main Frame
Quantum Main Frame

Enter the OPC and wait for the Dimensional Breach to spawn in, then head down to Mission Control to interact with Dr. Peck. Once Dr. Peck has closed the shutters on his window, wait until Ravenov tells you the code and interact with the locker to the left of his room to obtain the Aethermeter.

Aethermeter Locker
Aethermeter Locker

Step 4: Collect the Aether Crystals

Head to the Scorched Defense area. Within the left building, you will find a Shovel that you must interact with to pick up.


Once you have the Shovel, there are three spots around the map where you must dig up an Aether Container you must interact with to collect, however, each container comes with its own challenge before you can collect the container. Below are the locations and challenges for each container:

Open Lot Container

Open Lot Container Location
Open Lot Container Location

Once you have dug up this container, it will reveal a bunch of other Aether Containers each containing particles. You must find and interact with the Aether Container with no black particles floating inside of it to collect the Aether Crystal inside. The correct container will only contain white particles.

Correct Aether Container (only white particles)
Correct Aether Container (only white particles)

Be sure to look carefully, as some containers will have less black particles than others potentially making you think that a container has none.

Once you have this Aether Crystal, interact with the Aether Reactor inside of Mission Control to place it inside.

Barracks Container

The RAI K-84 is required for this step so be sure to complete Legendary Trials or spin the Mystery Box to obtain it.

Barracks Aether Container Location
Barracks Aether Container Location

Once you have dug up this container, it will begin moving around the area and you must shoot the Alternate Fire on the RAI K-84 at the container to freeze it allowing you to collect the Aether Crystal. Once you have the Aether Crystal, interact with the Aether Reactor inside of the Data Center to place it inside.

Frozen Aether Container w/ RAI K-84
Frozen Aether Container w/ RAI K-84

Jungle Defense Container

Jungle Defense Aether Container Location (middle lane)
Jungle Defense Aether Container Location (middle lane)

Once you have dug up this container, it will spawn a bubble that you must survive in. You don't need to kill any zombies inside but you can if you need to, and once the lockdown is over, collect the Aether Crystal and interact with the Aether Reactor inside the Military Command to place it inside.

Charged Aether Container
Charged Aether Container

Once all three Aether Reactors have been supercharged with the crystals, you will be prompted to head to the OPC before you can continue to the next step.

Step 5: Align the Satellites

Head to the Planning Offices and interact with the computer screen on the wall to begin a mini-game. Your goal in this mini-game is to move the blue dot over the yellow orb that shows a flag with a question mark in the bottom right corner of the screen and press the align button on that orb.

Correct Satellite Dish Alignment
Correct Satellite Dish Alignment

You move the blue dot with the D-Pads on controller, and for some reason the keybinds on Mouse and Keyboard are Q for left, E for right, R for up, and G for down. This step was definitely designed for controller.

Step 6: Free Samantha Maxis

Make sure you are prepared for a boss fight before starting this step. The most important thing is to have the RAI K-84 Pack-a-Punched at least once as this will be the main damage dealer and either Monkey Bombs or a Chopper Gunner to protect you during the boss fight.

Once the satellites are aligned correctly, head to the OPC room where you can interact with the panel on the right side playing a short cutscene of freeing Samantha Maxis from the Dark Aether.

Samantha Freed Cinematic
Samantha Freed Cinematic

Once the cutscene is over, you will be immediately thrown into the boss fight where you must defeat the Elder God known as Orda. This boss fight is simple, you just train the zombies around, wait for Orda's weak spot to start glowing, rain fire on the weak spot, and repeat until Orda has been defeated.

If you are using , throw a Monkey Bomb or a Decoy Grenade while doing damage and activate the to unleash maximum damage on the boss. There is no time limit and you have the Pack-a-Punch, Armor Station and Wunderfizz machines in the area for you to use.

Ending Cutscene
Ending Cutscene

Congratulations! You have beaten the Firebase Z main quest: Maxis Potential.

Video Guides

Solo Guide by CodeNamePizza

Co-op Guide by NoahJ456