Gorod Krovi

Black Ops 3
Last Updated: February 19, 2025
17 min read

Love and War

The main quest for Gorod Krovi is called Love and War. Our Primis crew's goal in this quest is to "free" Ultimus Nikolai Belinski and harvest his soul using the Summoning Key.


This main quest is possible with any number of players, but, it does require some items that you will need to obtain to complete this quest fully:

While not a requirement, the GKZ-45 MK3 (aka the RayGun MKIII) is extremely helpful during the entire main quest and especially during the boss fight. You can find this wonder weapon in the Mystery Box.

Classic GobblegumsMega Gobblegums

Step 1: Power the Generator

This step can only be done after building the Dragon Network Controller, since you will need to travel to the Hatchery

Head to the Hatchery, inside the Hatchery basement you'll find a generator with a trap over it right of the incubators. You must kill a Valkyrie Drone near the generator (or have it shoot the generator) to power the generator and start a 5-minute countdown to complete Step 2. You can also obtain the dragon egg for the Gauntlet of Siegfried before leaving the Hatchery.

Powered Generator
Powered Generator

Building the Dragon Network Controller

Head to Dragon Command, turn on the power and interact with S.O.P.H.I.A. This will cause killed zombies to occasionally drop one of three code cylinders for terminals located in:

Dragon Command Terminal
Dragon Command Terminal
Supply Depot Terminal
Supply Depot Terminal
Tank Factory Terminal
Tank Factory Terminal

These code cylinders will always drop in the above order, Dragon Command being Blue, Supply Depot being Yellow, and Tank Factory being Red code cylinders.

When dropped, you must insert the code cylinder in their respective terminal causing a Groph Pod to fall onto a random location in the map indicated by a green beam of light in the sky, that you must defend from a wave of zombies.

After killing around 15 zombies near the Groph Pod, the pod will open revealing a part for the Dragon Network Controller you must pick up. You must do this for all three code cylinders to obtain all three parts for the Dragon Network Controller.

Dragon Network Controller Part
Dragon Network Controller Part

Once all three parts have been obtained, head to the Operations Bunker and insert the parts into the Dragon Network Console located near the center of the room. You will now be able to call a Dragon from any of the three terminals to travel to the Hatchery.

Dragon Network Controller
Dragon Network Controller

Step 2: Valve Step

As mentioned in the previous step, you have a 5-minute window to complete this step before the generator will turn off forcing you to kill another Valkyrie Drone near the generator to power it again

There are six valves located around the map, you must find two valves, one with a green light and one emitting a whistling-like sound and containing a pink code cylinder trapped within it. These Valves are located in the following locations:

Dragon Command, right of the Bowie Knife wall buy
Dragon Command, right of the Bowie Knife wall buy
Infirmary, between the bunk beds opposite the staircase leading to the upper floor
Infirmary, between the bunk beds opposite the staircase leading to the upper floor
Tank Factory, left side of the bottom floor
Tank Factory, left side of the bottom floor
Armory, top floor opposite the Bridge switch
Armory, top floor opposite the Bridge switch
Department Store, 3rd floor straight ahead when entering from the Infirmary
Department Store, 3rd floor straight ahead when entering from the Infirmary
Supply Depot, right of the Mystery Box location underneath the stairs
Supply Depot, right of the Mystery Box location underneath the stairs

Which valves have a green light or a pink code cylinder is randomized each game

Pink Code Cylinder
Pink Code Cylinder

Once you have located the valves with the green light and the pink code cylinder, select them below to reveal the values you must set all valves except the one containing the pink code cylinder to release the pink cylinder for you to pick up.

Once all values have been set correctly, you must pick up the pink code cylinder and return it to S.O.P.H.I.A. at Dragon Command. This is a good point to place the Dragon Egg for the Gauntlet of Siegfried down at the nest in front of Dragon Command at the bottom of the stairs.

Step 3: Inputting the Password

After returning the pink code cylinder to S.O.P.H.I.A., you must input the password KRONOS by shooting the individual letters on the spin wheel left of S.O.P.H.I.A. from top to bottom. Once entered, interact with S.O.P.H.I.A. to complete the step.

Correct Password
Correct Password

If you enter the code incorrectly, you must wait until the next round to re-enter the code.

Step 4: Collecting the Trophies

Some of these trophies can be obtained at any point in the game, while others require items like the Gauntlet of Siegfried, Guard of Fafnir, and Dragon Strike to obtain.

There are six hidden trophies around the map that you must pick up. Each trophy has a unique thing a player must do to reveal and ultimately acquire the trophy. Below are all six trophies and how to obtain them.

Gersh Trophy

Head to the Dragon Command stairs, when at the bottom of the stairs turn around so you are facing away from Dragon Command. On the wall of the building are some statues, the right statue has its left hand raised, and you must shoot this hand to drop the trophy which you can pick up just below the statue.

Gersh Trophy
Gersh Trophy

Valkyrie Drone Trophy

Head to the Double Tap perk machine at the Tank Factory, using the Guard of Fafnir you must shoot the left window of the two windows next to Double Tap, this will hit a pipe that is behind that window causing the trophy to be ejected from the pipe and dropped onto the floor next to Double Tap.

Valkyrie Drone Trophy
Valkyrie Drone Trophy

Mangler Trophy

Head to the Supply Depot, activate the Giant Laser Beam Trap, and wait for it to finish. Once finished, it will reveal the trophy hidden beneath the floorboard where the laser was hitting.

Mangler Trophy
Mangler Trophy

Bomb Trophy

Head to the area just outside the Supply Depot, using the Dragon Strike you must launch a dragon strike on the puddle closest to the overhead path connecting the Armory to the Supply Depot revealing the trophy.

Bomb Trophy
Bomb Trophy

Groph Pod Trophy

Head to the Operations Bunker, using the Gauntlet of Siegfried you must launch your Welp attack then use the melee of the gauntlet to smash open the safe left of the workbench revealing the trophy.

Groph Pod Trophy
Groph Pod Trophy

Group 935 Trophy

When leaving the Hatchery via the sewage system, you must shoot a red light on the roof of the sewage pipe as you are traveling back to the Spawn. If done successfully, the light will turn green and the trophy can be found in the toilet in the Hatchery on the same floor as the Pack-a-Punch.

Sewage Pipe Light
Sewage Pipe Light
Group 935 Trophy
Group 935 Trophy

Building the Guard of Fafnir

The Guard of Fafnir requires three parts to build and can be obtained at any point of the game

The first part is the Dragon Visage, which can be found in the Infirmary:

Left of the top of the Operations Bunker staircase
Left of the top of the Operations Bunker staircase
On the right bunk bed next to the staircase leading to the upper floor of the Infirmary
On the right bunk bed next to the staircase leading to the upper floor of the Infirmary
Left of the Stamin-Up machine, on debris under the leftmost 3 broken windows.
Left of the Stamin-Up machine, on debris under the leftmost 3 broken windows.

The second part is the Core, which can be found around the Operations Bunker or Department Store:

On a wooden chair in the Juggernog room in the Department Store.
On a wooden chair in the Juggernog room in the Department Store.
On the door of the truck before in-between the Department Store and Operations Bunker
On the door of the truck before in-between the Department Store and Operations Bunker
On a shelf right of the electric trap switch before the staircase in the Operations Bunker
On a shelf right of the electric trap switch before the staircase in the Operations Bunker

The final part is the Maw, which can be found in the Armory:

Beside the Wunderfizz machine on the bottom floor of the Armory
Beside the Wunderfizz machine on the bottom floor of the Armory
On the wall right of the overhead path to the Supply Depot
On the wall right of the overhead path to the Supply Depot
On the top floor of the Armory on a wooden crate along the same wall as the Bridge switch
On the top floor of the Armory on a wooden crate along the same wall as the Bridge switch

Once all three parts have been collected, head to the workbench in the Operations Bunker to build the Guard of Fafnir.

Obtaining the Dragon Strike

Head to the Hatchery, on the top floor is a crystal all players in the game must interact with to begin a lockdown event. This lockdown event contains four waves where Zombies, Manglers, and Valkyrie Drones will appear.

Dragon Strike Crystal
Dragon Strike Crystal

After surviving all four waves of the lockdown, all players in the game can obtain the Dragon Strike by interacting with the crystal again.

This lockdown event ideally should be saved until you are at the point where you need penetration kills for the Gauntlet of Siegfried as using the MG for 1000 points makes getting penetration kills extremely easy during the lockdown.

Obtaining the Gauntlet of Siegfried

Head to the Hatchery, on the bottom floor above the sewage exit is a Dragon Egg that must be collected by shooting it, knocking it down then picking the Dragon Egg up.

Dragon Egg
Dragon Egg

After collecting the Dragon Egg, head back to the main area of the map where you'll have to place the Dragon Egg down on any nest which is located anywhere the dragon breathes fire onto the map, ideally, you should place the egg on the nest in front of the Dragon Command stairs.

Dragon Egg Nest
Dragon Egg Nest

Once the egg is placed, you must wait for a dragon to breathe fire down on the egg which will need to be cooled by waiting a full round. Afterward, you can pick up the egg and are now able to complete challenges to get the egg ready for incubation.

There are 3 challenges you must complete in order:

  • Killing Napalm Zombies (zombies that have had fire breathed on them by the dragon)

  • Penetration multi-kills (MG in the Hatchery is ideal, otherwise any Sniper Rifle will do)

  • Melee kills (can use the Knife, Bowie Knife, or Guard of Fafnir melee/fireball attack)

Important Note: For the penetration kills, the MG at the Hatchery is by far the easiest method due to a bug where any kill with the MG counts as a penetration multi-kill allowing for easy completion without needing to hit the box.

Once all challenges have been completed, return to the Hatchery where you can now place the Dragon Egg in an incubation chamber on the bottom floor of the Hatchery.

Dragon Egg Incubation
Dragon Egg Incubation

This will cause a lockdown event similar to the building the Dragon Network Controller Groph Pod defense where once completed the egg will need to cool for another round. Afterward, you can pick up the Dragon Egg and return to the Spawn trials grave to claim the Gauntlet of Siegfried.

Gauntlet of Siegfried
Gauntlet of Siegfried

Step 5: Completing the Six Challenges

Head to Dragon Command, underneath the main monitor opposite S.O.P.H.I.A. you must interact with the placeholders to place the six trophies you collected in the previous step.

Main Monitor
Main Monitor

Once placed, interact with the button in the middle slightly below the placeholder to have a random challenge selected for you to complete. If you fail, a task you'll have to wait a round to be able to interact with the button and try the same challenge again.

The first five tasks will be chosen at random, however, the sixth/final challenge will always be the Information Download. You cannot begin these challenges on Valkyrie Drone rounds. The challenge that is selected is indicated by a spotlight appearing underneath the trophy.

Bomb Challenge

The main monitor will show the six areas around the map and quickly flash through all of them, then it will flash through them again but much slower and you must remember the order in which they flashed the second time.

When solo, you can pause your game when the monitor is flashing the areas to be able to write down the names of the areas in order. In Co-Op, having one or more players looking at the monitors and calling out the names in order while another writes them down is ideal if memory is an issue.

The order in which the areas flashed the second time around is the order in which you need to defuse bombs located around the map, one in each of the six areas:

Dragon Command, on the balcony left of the Mystery Box location overlooking the main monitor
Dragon Command, on the balcony left of the Mystery Box location overlooking the main monitor
Infirmary, on a brick column right next to the staircase leading to the Operations Bunker
Infirmary, on a brick column right next to the staircase leading to the Operations Bunker
Armory, bottom floor left of the window next to the Wunderfizz
Armory, bottom floor left of the window next to the Wunderfizz
Tank Factory, in the room left of the Dragon Platform, left of the Gobblegum machine
Tank Factory, in the room left of the Dragon Platform, left of the Gobblegum machine
Supply Depot, straight ahead from the ground level entrance, on the wall left of the window
Supply Depot, straight ahead from the ground level entrance, on the wall left of the window
Department Store, behind the staircase on the bottom floor
Department Store, behind the staircase on the bottom floor

In Co-op, depending on the amount of players you have in your game you should try to evenly spread players out to defuse the bombs in sections of the map. Organize with your team and find what works for you.

Failure to defuse the bombs in order will down anyone not at the back of the Spawn, in the Hatchery, or riding a dragon. This means on Co-op if all players are near bombs during failure this will immediately end the game. In solo, however, as long as you have uses left or are using the / Gobblegum you will survive the failure.

In Co-op, you have around 60-seconds to defuse all bombs in order before they detonate. In solo, you have 3-minutes before they detonate, for this reason is almost required for to complete this challenge on solo.

If done successfully, S.O.P.H.I.A. will say "Self Destruct Sequence stopped, thank you for preventing our extermination".

Gersh Challenge

Anton Gersh will spawn on the map as a yellow soul orb, players may remember him from the Casimir Mechanism main quest from the map Ascension. You must find Gersh and shoot him with any Pack-a-Punched weapon to damage him enough until he glows purple and wraps to a new location.

Gersh Challenge
Gersh Challenge

To make it easier to locate Gersh, you can listen for a humming like sound. The best weapons to damage Gersh are (only Pack-a-Punched weapons): GKZ-45 MK3, Drakon, LMGs, RayGun, and the KRM-262.

Once Gersh has been damaged enough a total of three times, our Primus crew will tell Gersh to head to Dragon Command where he will be collected...among other things.

This challenge can be failed if Gersh is not damaged at all for about 2-minutes. If you fail, you can try again on the next round.

Valkyrie Drone Challenge

Head to the Spawn, near the tombstones will be a Valkyrie Drone entering from outside the map that has 1HP that you must escort safely to Dragon Command. Zombies will not attack this Valkyrie Drone, but, you must be very close to the drone to escort it and if you damage the drone at all it will be destroyed, failing the challenge.

Valkyrie Drone Challenge
Valkyrie Drone Challenge

The alternate fire of the GKZ-45 MK3s are extremely helpful here in slowing down zombies as this does 0 damage so you cannot destroy the drone with this and can prevent yourself from dying. The , , or Gobblegums are extremely helpful for this challenge.

Once the Valkyrie Drone reaches Dragon Command, it will go onto the pad right of the main monitor to be collected.

Valkyrie Drone Collection
Valkyrie Drone Collection

You can actually complete this challenge faster by destroying the drone once it is halfway up the Dragon Command stairs. This method saves time while also providing an easier time if you are having trouble defending yourself/the drone.

Mangler Challenge

You must find and escort a green-eyed Mangler that will spawn in one of four locations around the map:

  • Tank Factory

  • Infirmary

  • Armory

  • The top floor of the Department Store

Once located, you must escort the mangler to Dragon Command without killing him. The Mangler will attack you and spawn infinite zombies regardless of the round until escorted. You can shoot the arm cannon off the Mangler by shooting his right shoulder to get him to run towards you allowing you to escort him much faster.

Green-Eyed Mangler
Green-Eyed Mangler

Since this Mangler isn't friendly, previously mentioned Gobblegums like , , and should not be used as this will affect the Mangler, the latter two will actually fail the challenge for you if solo as the Mangler needs to maintain a direct line of sight to a player the entire way to Dragon Command.

Groph Pod Challenge

Similar to building the Dragon Network Controller, a Groph Pod will spawn somewhere on the map indicated by a green beam of light in the sky and the main monitor will flash the location that the pod will drop in.

Groph Pod Challenge
Groph Pod Challenge

You must defend this pod, the pod will be outside the map so a ranged weapon is required to deal with the zombies attacking the pod. The most ideal weapons for this are: GKZ-45 MK3, LMGs, and Snipers, along with the Dragon Strike

In solo, zombies will only spawn to attack the Groph Pod so you can defend the pod without being attacked. In Co-op however, zombies will attack the players in the playable area of the map.

Once the defense is completed, the Groph Pod will open revealing some cargo you must bring to S.O.P.H.I.A. You must send the Whelp from the Gauntlet of Siegfried to retrieve this cargo.

Groph Pod Cargo
Groph Pod Cargo

Information Download

After pushing the button underneath the main monitor, a drawer under the button will open revealing a keycard that you must pick up and bring to the Hatchery and insert into the terminal on the same floor as the Pack-a-Punch, which will begin a lockdown event similar to obtaining the Dragon Strike.

Information Download Terminal
Information Download Terminal

During this lockdown, only Manglers will spawn and you must defend against them until the download is complete. The terminal will not be attacked despite S.O.P.H.I.A. saying to "Protect the Download".

During the first wave of the lockdown, you can save the last Mangler and simply train him around the Hatchery until the download is complete to avoid fighting more waves of Manglers.

Once the download is complete, you must interact with the terminal to pick up a keycard you must take back to S.O.P.H.I.A. Insert the keycard into the tray underneath S.O.P.H.I.A. to complete this challenge.

Step 6: Power Ultimis Nikolai

Interact with S.O.P.H.I.A. and she will give you a power core for Ultimus Nikolai's mech. Afterward, head to the back of the Spawn and launch the Welp from the Gauntlet of Siegfried which will return the power core to Ultimus Nikolai's mech.

Power Core
Power Core
Power Core Returned
Power Core Returned

Once completed, return to S.O.P.H.I.A., she will then detach from the machine and fly toward the sky to meet us in the next map Revelations. At this point, you are ready to enter the boss fight and should begin your final preparations before entering the boss fight.

Step 7: Boss Fight

Once ready, all players must stand on the metal grate that is now visible where S.O.P.H.I.A. used to be. This will drop you into a sewer pipe bringing you to the boss arena behind the Spawn.

Boss Arena Entrance
Boss Arena Entrance

Once in the arena, head to the circular area surrounded by pillars. You must press the button in this area to have a Giant fire a laser at a pile of debris freeing Ultimus Nikolai.

Free Nikolai Button
Free Nikolai Button

Dragon Fight

For the first part of this boss fight, Ultimis Nikolai will assist you in defeating a Dragon. The Dragon will breathe fire over areas of the arena that you must avoid or can use the Guard of Fafnir to negate all fire damage.

Afterward, Ultimis Nikolai will shoot a harpoon at the Dragon revealing a weak point that you must shoot to damage the Dragon. You must repeat this three more times until the Dragon is defeated.

Dragon Weak Point
Dragon Weak Point

After the Dragon is defeated, a small cutscene will play showing the player talking to Ultimis Nikolai who is now hostile and must be defeated just like the Dragon.

Nikolai Cutscene
Nikolai Cutscene

Ultimis Nikolai Fight

You must shoot four different weak points on the mech to defeat Nikolai. The two yellow lights on the front of the mech and the two power cores on the top of the mech. The power cores are only visible when Nikolai attacks the player.

Nikolai Mech Weak Points
Nikolai Mech Weak Points

After destroying all four weak points, you must shoot a final weak point visible in the center of the mech which will destroy the mech defeating Ultimis Nikolai and triggering the final ending cutscene.

Final Mech Weak Point
Final Mech Weak Point
Ending Cutscene
Ending Cutscene

Congratulations! You have beaten the Gorod Krovi main quest: Love and War.

Video Guides

Solo Guide by MZC

Co-op Guide by MrRoflWaffles